Lilla Villa resort(Miskolc - Lillafüred)

3517 Hámor, Losonczi utca 31 (Magyarország)

The Lilla Üdülő and Creative house is open all year round and is located in the neighbourhood of one of the most beautiful castel hostels in Hungary, the Palota hostel. The accomodation is only a couple of minutes away from the Anna-cave and Hámori-lake. This building has an amazing view and is perfectly suitable for a family vacation, corporate or civil events, smaller school trips or teambuilding training. Our resort also operates as a creative house, talent point and a DJP point.

The resort offers a spectacular panorama of the surrounding mountains, which can be enjoyed after climbing up on a long serpentine.

We are open all year round!

There are 4 rooms in the resort including a separate bathroom, shared lounge, a kitchen and a special VIP room with a large terrace, which also provides an amazing view.

If you were to consider our Christmass and New Year offers we recommend the whole resort for 13 people.

Inquire about our prices through phone or e-mail.

Approaching by public transport: At the Miskiolc trainstation get up on the 1st tram and travell until the final destination(Felső-Majláth). Next get up on the 5th or 15th bus which runs every hour and get off the bus at Felsőhámor bus stop. 

Further information and reservations

Tel.: (42) 400 782

Art Misszió Alapítvány
4400 Nyíregyháza, Hősök tere 6. I/1.