Country House - Jánd

4841 Jánd, 12 Dózsa György St.(Hungary)

The accomoditation is located at the Beregi-Tiszahát. Jánd is 5 km away from Vásárosnamény, which is the calm part of the Felső Tisza, where even the blond Tisza is really clean. It does not get polluted by the Szamos and the Beregi Tájvédelmi area is located within, which contains beautiful fauna and flora.

The pride of the community is the Tisza beach, which lures lots of tourists back every summer. People who want village tourism can rest in a pleasant environment and can hike in the stunning landscapes of Bereg. 

At Jánd, Dózsa Görgy street 12. we have two different apartments, in a quiet, village environment, where our guests can relax. The option for camping and outdoor cooking is provided in the garden alongside a landscaped yard which is perfectly suitable for relaxing or organizing outdoor games. For groups over the size of 10 people we provide further discounts. 

We await the application of families, friend groups and touring classes in our guesthouses made for 15-18 people.

The guesthouses both have 3 roomsincluding a kitchen, a bathroom and a shared livingroom.
The rooms are made for 3-4 people, which can be expanded upon with extra beds.
Closed parking for cars is provided in the court.

Further information and reservations

Tel.: (42) 400 782

Art Misszió Alapítvány
4400 Nyíregyháza, Hősök tere 6. I/1.